Saturday, August 29, 2009

I am now 20!

Today is my birthday! I turned 20 at 6 this morning.

I am sitting here at Arsagas in Fayetteville, after having gone to the farmers market this morning. I got some peaches, spinach, cherry tomatoes, and flowers. I love the farmers market! I have been so busy lately with being the new worship pastor at FUMC, and starting a new school year, I have had no time to plan a party or anything for today. So I thought I would treat myself and just hang out this morning doing my favorite things (drinking coffee, reading blogs, being around people).

My mom will be coming up and we will be spending the day together, which will be wonderful. It has been a tradition in my family for years that mom comes and takes us out to lunch on our birthday. Even now that I live a state away nothing has changed. So we will dine on Thai food, enjoy each others company, and then she will go to church with me in the morning. I am very excited! It is a rather non-traditional birthday for most college students, but I am so looking forward to it. I need to relax! I have been to two birthday parties, an engagement party, several back to school parties, and three concerts this week. That is enough for me!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy some relaxation as well!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I love being-

with people
a leader
a friend
a sister
asleep in the middle of the day
at home alone
in the middle of the city drinking coffee
overwhelmed with good news
on my computer

~A poem to sum up my day~