What does it mean to be a christian? It means to sacrifice yourself and follow Christ. What does it mean to follow Christ? Now this is the interesting part.
To follow Christ you need to know Him. First and foremost He is the son of God and the bible is God breathed. Therefore, a key factor in knowing God is reading the Bible. We are taught in the bible to pray. Every strong Christ follower, as well as Christ Himself, are seen praying at key points in there life. So, praying as often as possible and setting a side a daily time to read the Bible is following Christ? Close but not quite there. The most important thing is fear. FEAR, how is fear the most important in following Christ?
Fear, when you are afraid of something it consumes you. When you are afraid of heights then just looking at something slightly taller than your knee makes your heart sink. This is because you the know of power of heights, so you pay great respect to it, you do not try to make it conform to your will but you allow it do its thing while you stand out of the way. This is the fear of God. As we read the Bible and pray and grow in our understanding of God, we are to fear Him. We are to grow in reverence, love and awe of Him, allowing him to take control of our life and set aside our will for His.
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