This morning the Preacher for ONE PRAYER at Life Church spoke of how when God seems absent that is when He is working in your life more than you could ever imagine. This summer having to do deal with a lot of disappointment and a big lack of things to do, I was forced to sit and wait. When you sit and wait on God it is a time to seek His guidance, read His word and cry out to Him. I cried out to him through words, music, and dance, the only ways I really know how to cry.
Looking back it was a wonderful time, I grew in many ways. Some that I may never fully understand. Now I am over whelmed with things to do. I am volunteering at Life Church, and United Way, as well as training with Joe's Road Crew and maybe Mexico Joe's.
But back to this morning, the Preacher made a really interesting comment, for many of us after four days of unanswered prayer we give up and think there is no God, but Israel waited four hundred years on God to provide for them. When God seems absent will we be willing continue to be faithful to him? What if it is for 400 years? What if he never provides what you ask? Will you still serve Him? My summer is just now picking up and yet it is half over.
Romans 8:28 is a verse I wake up to every morning in my room, but it has new meaning to me now: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." but it may take time. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good, just trust in Him.
I have been fully challenged this summer to be reliant on God, because He has the whole world in his hands, He has the world the I want to be a mighty world ruler of in his hands. I am learning to turn over the reign of my world to Him.

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